My.Rotary.org is a place for members of Rotary to access tools and information to make your membership experience better.
- Membership & Foundation Reports – Find reports with data and information about membership, contributions, recognition, and more.
- Learning Center – Learn new skills with online classes and materials created for your specific role or interest.
- Rotary Showcase – Browse successful club projects from around the world.
- Brand Central – Logo, videos, pictures, and all the resources you’ll need to promote Rotary in your community.
- And more…

Create your My.Rotary.org Account
Download RI’s How To Create My.Rotary.org Account (2023) in PDF or follow these directions.
Go to https://my.rotary.org/en/signup to
start setting up your account.
- Select the link that reads “Register” (mid-left or top-right).
- Complete the fields under “Create an Account”.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Are you 18 years or older? Y/N
- Check the box that reads, “I am not a robot”.
- Click on the “Continue” button.
You will receive an email with a link that you can use to activate your account.
The link in the email leads you to the “Activate Your Account” page.
- Complete the fields:
- Enter your password
- Enter it again to confirm your password
- Select a security question
- Answer the security question
- Click on the “Continue” button
You will be prompted to “Sign in”.
- Enter the email address and password you just created.
- Click the “Sign In" button.
Next, you will customize your account based on your membership.
Welcome to My Rotary! Answer the following question to finish setting up your account.
What is your membership status?
- I’m a current or former member of a Rotary Club.
- I’m a current or former member of a Rotaract Club.
- I have never been a member of any Rotary or Rotaract Club.
NOTE: if you belong to both a Rotary Club and a Rotaract Club, you can choose either option.
Click the “Continue” button
From here you can explore My.Rotary.org!