Support the Rotary Foundation's Disaster Response Fund
Thank you for everything you are doing for yourselves, your families, and your community during the current coronavirus pandemic. It has been heartwarming to see the activities of so many clubs in our district - providing personal protective equipment, hearty meals, food for food pantries, support for first responders and health care workers, and many other generous projects.
As a district we were delighted to be able to offer supplemental district grants to clubs, and those were made possible by your previous generous contributions to the Rotary Foundation. Under normal circumstances, when we contribute to our Foundation we never know exactly when and where the funds will be used. We only know that Rotarians will see a need and will find a way to take care of it.
But the current situation is not ‘normal’. We are fighting a worldwide pandemic, and the need is urgent and specific. Luckily Rotary had an established Disaster Response Fund and was prepared to allocate $1 million to COVID-19 projects. Districts applied for grants for their local communities, but the needs quickly surpassed the available resources. Rotary increased the amount to $3 million, but the need is still there. Our district is one of those whose grant request is waiting in the queue until more money becomes available. We don’t know, if, or when, it will be funded.
Please consider a personal contribution to the Rotary Disaster Response Fund.
Finally, stay safe and healthy, and THANK YOU for everything you do - it is appreciated!