District Governor's Message for January

It is January - we are half way through the 2017-18 Rotary Year. There has been much great activity. As I review the District Calendar, I see are a number of activities around the District posted for January and February. Of special note, I think, is the Human Trafficking Event on January 11 in Elkhorn. If you want other Rotarians to know about an event your club is hosting, let our District Administrative Assistant Dana Kohlmeyer know so that she can post your event.
My counterparts and I are in the final stages of preparation for travel to India in the Rotary Friendship Exchange. All indications are that it will be an exciting adventure. We will let you know what we see and learn.
Don’t forget to register for TriCon 2018 Wisconsin, our 3-district Annual Conference in the Wisconsin Dells, May 4 thru 6.
January is Vocational Service month in Rotary
Vocational Service has been a focus from the start of Rotary as noted by Past RI President Cliff Dochterman at the Presidential Celebration in 2003. He asserted that “No matter how much we like to think that Paul Harris and his friends created Rotary for such noble ideas of humanitarian service, goodwill and world understanding — it just was not the case. Rotary was started for business reasons and professional purposes.” Dochterman also reminded us that the Rotary Code of Business Ethics was adopted in 1916. http://www.rotaryroom711.org/vocational-service-rotarys-first-concept/
Dochterman reported that Rotarians promote high ethical standards in their business and professional practice, and have developed a reputation for fairness. When professionals join a Rotary club, they do so as a representative of their particular business or profession. Rotarians have the dual responsibility of representing their vocation within the club and exemplifying the ideals of Rotary within the workplace.
One of Rotary’s five Avenues of Service, Vocational Service calls every Rotarian to:
• aspire to high ethical standards in their occupation;
• recognize the worthiness of all useful occupations, and;
• contribute their vocational talents to the problems and needs of society.
Two useful tools Rotarians have to assess these ethical standards are The Four-Way Test and The Rotary Code of Conduct.
What might your club do to support Vocational Service in terms of activities and projects?
• Offer Tours of members’ businesses
• Become involved in community career fairs and workshops
• Mentor young people
• Promote ethical behavior in business
• Share information about your vocation with young people
• Create a vocational award program
• Conduct an essay or speech contest for students on the 4 way test or business ethics
For more information, see (from the 2014 RI Convention in Sydney) the presentation “Best Practices in Vocational Service”: https://www.slideshare.net/Rotary_International/best-practices-in-vocational-service
Best wishes for a wonderful Rotary January.
Jeff Reed
District Governor
Rotary International District 6270