Rotary District 6270 Rocks!

At the Rotary District 6270 Foundation Dinner held on November 6, 2014, there was much cause for joy and celebration.  Below is a list of clubs and members from our district who were recognized at this special event for contributions during 2013-14:
Contributions to Polio Plus in the amount of $1,500 or more:
Fox Cities Morning, Hartford, Manitowoc Sunrise, Milwaukee, Neenah, Oconomowoc, Oshkosh, Ripon, Sheboygan, Whitewater, Whitnall Park.
Top 3 Highest Per Capital Annual Giving: 
  1. Lake Geneva @ $386.46
  2. Waukesha Sunrise @ $212.88
  3. Cedarburg-Grafton @ $157.60
Every Rotarian Every Year:  Awarded to clubs that achieve a minimum of $100 per capita with every active member personally contributing SOME AMOUNT to the Annual Fund during the Rotary year:  Cedarburg-Grafton, Port Washington-Saukville, West Bend Sunrise
100% Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member Clubs:  awarded to clubs with every active member of the club personally contributing $100 or MORE to the Annual Fund during the Rotary year:  Port Washington-Saukville, West Bend Sunrise
Finally, we recognized those Rotarians who became either a Benefactor, a member of the Bequest Society, or a Major donor during the past 2 years:
Benefactors:  Thomas Curl, Linda Curl, Penny Jo Zagel, Bernard H. Schreiner, Dana Kohlmeyer, Ann Affeldt, Steve Affeldt, Don Drecktrah
Bequest Society:  Ann Affeldt, Steve Affeldt, Penny Jo Zagel, Mary Beth Seiser, Thomas Curl, Linda Curl
Major Donors:  Ronald Becker, Joseph Kempen, Julilly Kohler, Nancy Rhodes, Raymond Smith, Robert Staufer, Jr., Mike White
*All information taken from RI reports.  Our apologies for any errors or omissions.
Congratulations to everyone who was recognized at our dinner.  And thank you to ALL clubs and individuals in District 6270 who give Service Above Self with projects, fundraisers, meetings, and contributions throughout the year.  As we strengthen our clubs through commitment and service, we "Light Up" our families, our communities, our nation, our world.  Let's continue to "make new friends, help our communities, and make the world a better, safer and healthier place."