December is Rotary Disease Prevention and Treatment Month
Rotary is dedicated to fighting and preventing disease. Disease Prevention and Treatment is one of Rotary’s Six Area of Focus. Disease and illness results in pain and injury. Prolonged severe illness may result in loss of employment and income. It affects families. It affects quality of life.
Rotary and Rotarians are committed to helping people to live healthy lives. Our signature project in this area is Polio Eradication. But polio is not the only disease or aspect of healthy living on which Rotarians have expended energies.
One way in which Rotarians have elected to provide attention to an area of concern is through a Rotarian Action Group (RAG). A Rotary Action Group (RAG) is a voluntary organization that functions independently of Rotary International. Each RAG establishes its own rules, dues requirements, and administrative structure. RAGs are composed of Rotarians, family members, program participants and alumni who are experts in a particular field. Group members share their expertise by collaborating with clubs and districts on service projects.
There are more than a dozen Rotarian Action Groups (RAGs) committed to disease prevention and treatment. Here is a list of RAGs: Here are eight of the many RAGs that address health issues:
· Alzheimer's/Dementia RAG. They provide information and support to Rotarians on dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Members use their knowledge, experience and leadership to fight Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
· RAG for Blindness Prevention. This RAG helps prevent blindness and promotes eye health and vision worldwide.
· RAG of Dental Volunteers. These volunteers provide humanitarian dental service throughout the world.
· RAG for Diabetes. This RAG provides has commitment to education, identification, and treatment of diabetes. They are especially concerned about diabetes among children in developing countries. They work with the International Diabetes Federation.
· Rotarians for Hearing RAG. These Rotarians promote hearing help for children and adults with hearing loss.
· RAG on Mental Health Initiatives. The mission of RAGMHI is to act as a worldwide resource for Rotarians in the field of mental health and mental illness to promote, protect, restore, and to help re-build the lost human capital to make a happier and healthier world.
· RAG for Multiple Sclerosis Awareness. These Rotarians work to make people aware of MS and improve the lives of People with MS.
· Polio Survivors and Associates RAG. These Rotarians are dedicated to permanently ending polio. They focus on improving the health and well-being of polio survivors.
Do you have a passion in one of these areas? Can you contribute you knowledge, skills and expertise to one of these RAGs? Check it out today. This is another way in which we can serve as Rotarians in the focused area of Disease Prevention and Treatment.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Jeff Reed
District Governor, RID 6270