Clubs in District 6270 make an impact in their own communities and beyond. 
For example, during the 2021-2022 Rotary Year (July-June)
  • Needs were identified and 22 Humanitarian Projects were planned, executed, and completed.
    • Each project supports the mission of the Rotary Foundation and aligns with at least one of Rotary's Areas of Focus.
    • 331 Rotarians and Rotaracts gave a total of 1,606 service hours to complete these projects.
  • $63,619 in Global Grant money was awarded to support these projects.
Interested in learning more about these 22 Humanitarian projects? Check out this video showcasing our clubs' humanitarian service projects during the 2021/22 Rotary year. 
November is Foundation Month to emphasize the importance of and need for support of The Rotary Foundation. Donations made this month will become available to support humanitarian projects in the future. Please donate today.